The ONLY response to having a bad day, no matter how minuscule that tragedy is, any one of the right minds must always listen to Africa by Toto during a tragedy.
"Dude, I found my wife, sleeping with another man"
"This is so sad, Ok Google, play Africa by Toto"
Google: "Ok, playing Africa by Toto on Spotify"
Africa by Toto: "....I hear the drums echoing tonight...."
by theShuaBruh July 9, 2018
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If you know anybody who’s always going through a hard time literally or going through depression, suicidal thoughts please...Give them a hug they literally need it

Boy:why are you hugging me?
Girl:it’s national hug your sad friend day..!
Boy:oh...Thank you...*crys*
Girl:let it all out it’s going to be alright keep your head up!
by OoffffTheBanana666 October 17, 2020
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A popular song lyrical by Dixie D'amelio. You can tell by the 4 sad's in one line that she is very upset.
Heidi: Are you okay Dixie?
Dixie: for one day, one day, i was really really really really sad
Heidi: ...............okay Dix.
by peepeeissmall April 8, 2021
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The act of having your lower lip pushed out. Generally associated with unhappiness but really an individuals attempt to get their way. Often observed in spoiled teenagers and children that are unaccustomed to being told no.
Uh oh, princess didn't get her way again - sad lip syndrome is in effect - her feelings are hurt!
by josefat August 7, 2013
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