A handsome gentleman who ellouqually plays music that brings in all the people, and the women ennamoured by his talents flock to him all times of day and night. The inevitable downfall of the pressing fall is he is too much of an inebcile to realise what's right in front of his face missing in the best thing that could ever hair to him. .... Or perhaps the story is not complete.

See future feature film Distracted by women: featuring Director Jane Dab
The blasfomy of passing Paul how dare he miss such a good opportunity.. Will he ever realise.
by XenaEmperor August 25, 2021
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Vitto blend my food up and then put it in a straw then put the straw up to ur phone speaker then the food will come to me
by Thicc boi gang August 20, 2019
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What does stand for Pass over me?
When I text him he did not answer it!
I could say you pass over me?
by Alexkimbs March 26, 2022
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adjective; self-centered, insecure, blameless

noun; a boorish asshole with a chip on their shoulder
Will someone please pass the dip to go with that chip on his shoulder.
by uncle betty October 22, 2010
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At least a 20 yard pass thrown by a quarterback in a football game.
Look at that bomb pass!!! (In reference to qb throwing 20+ yard pass)
by Freddie Tankerton October 13, 2017
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a low pass aka lopez aka jlo is the action of passing a joint in a hidden way
low pass coming
by illofasoul November 21, 2021
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