This team either sucks more ass than you can imagine, or is the best team in the WHL. Similar to my balls, this team is located inside of the jaw of a moose.
Dumbass #1: “Hey, wanna go to the Moose Jaw Warriors game?”

Dumbass #2: “Only if we can dump popcorn on the Swift Current Broncos fans.”
by Cool Dude (Real) April 22, 2023
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Ate pizza with Arch on Neptune once, unfortunately they had to separate because Medium intervened with a baseball bat. Set the world record for... squeezing pandas. Loves to lurk a lot in the Plasma Server, spying on everyone. Also he eats milk, and drinks sandwiches.
by requiem_reaper April 13, 2021
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An absolute goat who deserves the world, very affectionate and hyper
"Purple Warrior is such a goat isn't he?"

"Yes he is!"
by pxxn1s August 2, 2021
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Something the if you get on it, Felix the cat will be at your house ready to fuck you with his magic bag mehlove art Warrior-Cats-Names-Taken-Seriously-1-659285538 Is Felix the cats worst enemy, the true reason why he doesn’t use deviantart
by Smm2lover29383837454363 July 18, 2023
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A person who eats out a virgin who is on her period.
That New Blood Warrior had a good time with that girl.
by urbanerrrrrrr May 16, 2013
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A mother of an autistic child who lives vicariously through her child's autism and it is pretty much her only personality trait. A majority of them are anti-vaxers because they believe vaccines cause autism, they blame all problems on their child's autism and are constantly using their child as a way to gain sympathy from others and believe they are entitled because of having an autistic child.
As someone who is on the autism spectrum warrior moms piss me off.
by glitzgirl March 19, 2022
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The infomous dykebar warrior is not only a Shiite bag but also lacks the ability to roll a joint. You may see local dykebar warriors in your neighbourhood but not to worry they won’t do any harm they all suffer from a rare disease called HHMS (hinks he’s mental syndrome)
It’s the Dykebar warriors at it again looking for a jump in
by Peter McMartinson December 3, 2018
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