A method of finding a variety of otherwise disgusting sexual acts. The formula is as follows: (insert nationality) (insert optional adjective) (insert noun).
Scottish windmill, mexican microwave,Alaskan Fire Dragon, the urban dictionary lewd sex act formula
by ...Heiiisssennnberrg... September 27, 2013
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Getting rid of resposibility in case you are the one who has to choose something !

Works in any case. "...I do want if that's what *you* want".

You can use any verb you need.

WARNING: Can be super annoying.
Nina's formula for getting rid of responsibility can be used in following situations...
"Do you want me to come over ?"
"I do, if you want."

"Which pizza should I order for us ?"
"I want the one you want the most."
by Kee27 August 3, 2018
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Like all movie great movie trilogy's they all share the same formula. The first movie is the best, the second is the worst, and the third one is the second best
Michael j fox: Back to the future 1 was great, Back to the future 2 was the worst of the trilogy, and back to the future 3 rocked!

Christopher Lloyd: ya that follows the movie trilogy formula
by Mcflylikeawhiteguy May 30, 2014
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Baby formula are used by some anti roblox slenders to throw at roblox slenders for it
I order 1 box of aptamil baby formula and i throw it at roblox slenders
by Bak Hyemi September 4, 2021
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Bully someone for years and then sulk when you are not invited to the parties and events.

Also knows as "being a steinmeir"
"Do not be such a steinmeir!"

"why are you pulling steinmeir? you were a dick for so many years, why sulk now?!"
"Oh, he is sulking again and using Steinmeier formula! What a child"
"Andrew is such a steinmeir, I'm so tired of his bullshit"
by antïn April 13, 2022
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