The house, the cars , the boats , the clothes and entire situation was considered Superior Luxury Style.
by Shawn Superior March 23, 2018
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Anyone that will use any rule that has no basis in anything to try to prove they are a human being more deserving of something than other human beings. Their entire sense of self is caught up in competitive pursuits, proving their worth off others instead of axioms, laws, normal human behavior. This becomes transference, type behaviors, where whatever their faults are, are other peoples. Resulting in the abuse of others who want to care about them, and their own continued degradation, until they can finally learn to love other people.
"I showed up at the job every day for five years, even though I consistently didn't follow protocols, or take the time to really know what the product I was selling was, so, I am the best person for the job because I have noticed what everyone else does wrong, and since we all do wrong stuff, I showed up, superiority freak."
"I look better in this outfit because I am more fit, despite the fact that my hair is disheveled and toxic, I've ruined my knees, and trying to be like others isn't understanding fashion, or a tailored outfit for me."

"I am more deserving of this job because I learned certain material when I was young, though with an HVAC I have noticed some people have something that they also have spent years on, but since we all have something, I learned when I was young, and should get the roles I prefer."

"I have what I have because of my own hard work, not because many people have been tortured and incarcerated when they haven't done anything."
"I couldn't understand math."
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Wow Henry, if you continue to superiorate like this, no one will ever be able to defeat you.
by The Bay Bender June 7, 2010
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the maximization of health.

also, the maximization of health and then the possible maximization of performance and optimization of health.
I have undergone superiorization, and now I am performing much better.
by addake October 9, 2019
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Contrary to popular belief, the letter 'H' is not in fact a superior letter. Sources say the letter 'C' is far better in every aspect, making it the superior letter.
P1: "Omg the letter H is the best, it's the superior letter."
P2: Nope it's the letter C for sure
by HopelessOptimist October 29, 2022
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There's no such thing as technical superiority, it's one of the bullshit terms they made for the Olympics that isn't based on reality, and judges are the kind of people that perpetuate it. A guy can go out and wrestle his way to a gold medal and that's great, but it's not just about winning and nothing else is sacred. It's also how you get a job done, and a gold medal doesn't make you better than the next guy, that's never the point. Hopefully being better than others is not why people dream of being in the Olympics, no matter their country. Once something goes beyond getting as far as you take yourself to one person being better than another, it's not a good thing for people to reach for.
There are technically skilled athletes, and they are champions in their own right, but telling them they are technically superior or that there is such a thing as technical superiority to another human being is wrong, and it's not a trend that should continue. The Olympics are meant to be games, not a superiority measuring contest or battle. That is not enjoyable for anybody, including the athletes (though the judges and announcers might get off on that sort of thing).
by The Original Agahnim August 6, 2021
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