1. Urine and Vodka
a. Usually a result of running out a mixer, in addition to being extremely intoxicated.

2. Urine and any other liquor
Since they had more alcohol than they did mixers, the partiers eventually had to start making Indiana Toaster Strudels.
by KiwiGalore March 19, 2007
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While bangin a chick vigorously while she has her period, some of the blood gets in the guys' dick and when he cums in her armpit, all the juices extract at once resembling a strawberry toaster strudel.
Chelsie: My arm's all sticky from The Very Angry Strawberry Toaster Strudel Nick delievered to me last night, and it won't wash off.
by Touchmy Strudel August 14, 2010
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Driving past a pedestrian and ejaculating on them from inside your car. Usually as a form of revenge.
by Loaft May 27, 2018
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When a woman urinates post coital whilst the man's penis is still inside her vagina.
I've had a few girls give me a Ted Strudel instead of getting up to go to the bathroom... Didn't hate it.
by Djijn July 23, 2021
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On the streets, the classical "apple strudel" is also referred to as manzana strudel.

A manzana strudel is a delicate pastry exhaustively filled with tree-borne apples.
Fam, how much for a slice of this deliciously moist manzana strudel?

Oh ney, that bloke over there has already consumed his savory lunch. Now he is busy inhaling a world-class manzana strudel. That cinnamon vortex looks supremely delicate.
by SeJoker February 16, 2023
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Shrek strudel refers to the bulbus green rod that hangs betwixt any oger's hairy ass legs. At the base is normally a throbbing wad that smells of onions and under cheese.
I was playing lord of the rings when an oger appeared and crushed me with it's shrek strudel.
by D Rail August 14, 2014
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A type of layered pastry which is very risky to eat, it can either be amazing if you are lucky- its with a delicious nutella filling but in most cases its filled with dog shit..
We played truth or dare last night, that Ben dude was dared to try a freshly baked Strudel Schmidt...puked his heart out after that poor bastard.
by OGloc January 29, 2019
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