noun-a person/place/thing/idea that is extremely cool. "Greg's a savage"

Adj-describing something as "savage" meaning extremely cool. "That was savage"

Commonly shortened to "Sav", but it holds the same meaning.
That was so savage. You're such a sav.
by Tucker July 17, 2004
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a group who's main purpose in life is to get the shit beat out of them by the rival group white savage. after a fight with the white savages, a savage a.k.a. an "average" would go and think about how much they suck big white dick and why their penises are so god damn small. a savage puts savage life as their motto. and after all the battles between the savages and the white savages, the savages still don't get that white savage rules the nation
9 savages walk in a room full of 6 white savages after getting jumped by white savages

savages start fight

white savages come out with main savage begging for his girlfriend back..
by dequan booker September 16, 2011
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1. An ugly ass, broke down looking bitch. The type of girl you don't tell anyone you fucked in fear of getting clowned on from all of your boyz(belew).

2. On a scale of 1 to 10 she's a .5 cuz she's too big to be a zero.

3. A bitch that looks like a billdog with tits and spread legs.

4. Belews baby's mama.

Nox - "Hey, you remember that savage bitch belew fucked in St. Joe?"

E. Say - "Man, that bitch was a fuckin beast lookin swamp donkey."

Nox - "I heard he honked as soon as he was finished cuz her pussy stank so bad."

E. Say - "Dammit Belew."
by Hard Nox October 3, 2007
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ugly (applies only to females)
that bird is savage
by Samir March 4, 2004
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some one who does animal like or obnoxious things to another person
"john your a savage for telling tara that she has a fat ass"
by t o mm y September 8, 2005
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