when driving a Porsche. (typically a 911) The Porsche moment consists of going through a corner and the car suddenly losing all rear-end grip. if you counter-steer in this situation you will succumb to the Porsche moment as there is no way to save the car once it goes.

if you do manage to save it from spinning then your not going fast enough
I was on track to smash the lap record by half a second until I had a Porsche moment on the penultimate corner
by AssLicker8497 May 20, 2024
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An intermediary term that sits between Boujee and artistic, extra and classic, & fresh and ratchet.
that girl is eating cup ramen in a Chanel suit is so porsch.
by JFDK wiep March 11, 2018
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yoo Porsche Will run yo shit if you need with her friends and she's so hot like how she's so funny and fun to be around but she's well known as a "poser" but she claims that she is not a "poser" she also says that she has 42 fortnite wins but that's no so true. but remember she is hottttt!! be careful she might steal ur man.
have you seen Porsche ramirez she rockin that thrasher and she was playing fortnite.
by mrs.stealurmans May 30, 2018
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Drives a Porsche, Typically a Boxter or 911. Tells everyone about his Porsche. Usually wears Porsche clothing. Buys cheapest Porsche possible to seem rich. Thinks about how incredible he is every day to keep his ego high. Very successful with women unless named Tyler.
Did you see that guy in the 911? total Porsche Douche!

That guy Vinny fucks! Even though hes a Porsche Douche.
by America rocket ship cow boy January 25, 2022
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Porsche is litterally one of the most awesome people you will get to know. They are very pretty and really easy going too. They are very funny and will always bring a smile upon your face. They are very sweet and really pretty too. Porsche is one of the people you only get to meet once in a life time and they are a great dancer too.
by UrLocalAwesome November 21, 2021
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Porsche is litterally one of the most awesome people you will get to know. They are very pretty and really easy going too. They are very funny and will always bring a smile upon your face. They are very sweet and really pretty too. Porsche is one of the people you only get to meet once in a life time and they are a great dancer too.
Porsche is no car. Porsche is awesome.
by UrLocalAwesome November 21, 2021
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Porsche is litterally one of the most awesome people you will get to know. They are very pretty and really easy going too. They are very funny and will always bring a smile upon your face. They are very sweet and really pretty too. Porsche is one of the people you only get to meet once in a life time and they are a great dancer too.ALSO KNOWS CAT DANCE
by UrLocalAwesome November 21, 2021
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