Elsee is a very nice person who acc cares about you . Elsee is a very easy person to talk to and has a lot of friends but dont be fooled she knows her fake friends every single one of them

Elsee is a money Goddess ........ buttttt can be a bitch sometimes
I need an Elsee
by Brooooo WTF March 5, 2020
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When you search something up on Urban dictionary and have to pour bleach in your eyes, then apologize to your school board.
"Insert student name come to the office." You hustle down the dirty ragged hallways of hell, waiting for punishment.

"Why did you search that up?" the bearded principal says in disgust.

You stutter, "I'm sorry, school administrators. I thought this meant something else..." The bearded principal glares at you, clicking his pen.

"Fine," he says. The room practically darkens, "I forgive you, child.."
by Pwaaool February 4, 2021
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Another phrase made by a 17 year old washington native meaning how else are you going to show people what you’re doing in life
Yo film ryan smoking 10 blunts to the face cuz how else we finna show people how we living out here

Gabe : Yo did u see the video

Ryan : Yeah u posted it everywhere

Gabe : How else we finna show people how we living out here
by Yungboyskans February 28, 2021
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The phrase you say when you when an un-completeness of turtle watching.
Friend 1: Hey I saw a Turtle in the parking lot!

Friend 2: Where is it?!

Friend 1: Theres no Turtle I needed to get your attention.

Friend 2: Now Im gonna have to go online and look at turtles, or else Im gonna be off the whole day.
by ghoul138 April 19, 2011
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A day where everyone in the apoc community turns gay and have some rough sexual intercourse. Common slangs used in this day is "hop on crim" or "hop on apoc". This day can only be celebrated at December 2nd.
"Happy Orate x pugs x whoz x invest x lil gamer x everyone else lol everyone!"
"You too! wanna hop on crim?"
by pussy nigga balls November 29, 2021
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You don’t like Singapore your country is it. Then don’t direct message or else ask me what happened don’t ask the past focus on the present sigh. That’s what Ms Hema said to you.
You don’t like Singapore your country is it. Then don’t direct message or else ask me what happened don’t ask the past focus on the present sigh. That’s what Ms Hema said to you.
by sdinaz October 24, 2023
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