A moment within an absolute hammering, where the losing participant, gives his or her fans, just a small glimmer of hope, only to see it completely evaporated just moments afterwards.
Madison Keys has laid an acorn here in Melbourne!
by kerbalicious January 24, 2018
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When a man slaps you with his #BabyDick. Also see Mushroom Stamp.
Last night I gave my date an Acorn Kiss.
by Tommington January 25, 2018
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someone who looks like they yam acorns for a living
izzy is an acorn yammer
by 420xoxoxox February 28, 2022
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When someone has a lot of pubic hair and a small penis. The penis looks like an acorn in a bush.
I have a hot date tonight So I should probably shave my pubes, it looks like an Acorn in a bush.
by Professor Bronk May 14, 2020
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a silly bug with a silly nosr
by d1e October 14, 2021
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Attempting to defecate while heavily constipated and only the tip of the shit is exiting the rectum.
by Timithin November 25, 2020
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