When one takes a dump on a girl's vagina and procedes to shove their cock through the dookie and into the vagina.
by He who said it October 21, 2007
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When you slide your hand down a Chinese hookers panties and can't find her savory jelly bean through the thicket of wiry brush.
After having a few beers I wanted to flick the bean but I couldn't get past the Shanghai Easter basket.
by Wong way January 27, 2017
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Variation of "Kansas City Shuffle." Its when a girl looks good from behind or from afar, but when she turns around or when she gets close you realize shes Asian.
Watch out for a Shanghai City Shuffle whenever you take the bus to Chinatown.
by Jerico February 2, 2007
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The sexual act/position that consists of standing doggie-style heterosexual intercourse that is rapid and forceful that randomly switches from vagina to anus while smoking a cigarette and honking a car horn mounted on the bedpost.
Hey, get the car horn ready. I'm in the mood for a Shanghai Cab Ride tonight.
by clarjock March 10, 2015
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When you're banging your buddy in the butt, ejaculate, and pass out while remaining with your member still inside the anus. Then waking up, after your semen has dried up inside the anus. This results in a guaranteed sting (or kiss) as you rip your "helmet" away from the hardened semen.
-"Hey why are BOTH of you walking funny today?"
-"Shanghai Dragon's Kiss"
-"Do I even want to ask?"
by Uncle Kevin December 30, 2014
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When the train doors about to close on a crowded train and that very last second you scream at the top of your lungs "Shanghai Traffic jam" and squeeze yourself in the train.
John is such a gaijin smash by screaming Shanghai traffic jam in the morning on the Yamamote line.
by Shizdorm March 5, 2019
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Shanghai American School = SAS = Stressed Asian School. That's all you need to know.

Has two campuses, Pudong is in a golf course with legit 0 stores for takeout in the 3k diameter, Puxi right across from a semi-dead mall with crappy entertainment but somehow parents still complain.

Teachers are getting worse, and your GPA really depends on your good luck in getting the right teacher. The school has a good record of sending kids to good colleges but that's more because of the parents than the teachers. But don't worry, if you are like me who has a shitty GPA below a 3.3, be assured that people with GPA lower than you from SAS got into colleges. Like Community College of Detroit.:)

Somehow this group of guys who binges on youtube in class and goes drinking weekly still have a 4.0. Maybe Asian moms.

Students have a weird pride that SAS is better than all the other international schools in Shanghai. They are not wrong.:)
A person from SMIC: "SMIC is a really good school."
A person from BISS: "BISS is a really good school."
A person from Concordia: "Concordia is a really good school."
A person from SAS: "Shanghai American School is the worst school ever!"
by twsdhgjeiadfjmcalsk November 10, 2018
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