A map symbol showing the directions north, south, east, and west.
1. The compass rose helps you find the location of something or somewhere.
by lala145 September 25, 2017
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The ability to navigate through unknown or unfamiliar surroundings with no navigational instruments.
Using his compassibility, Shelby was able to get us back to the hotel in Amsterdam.
by newbish September 24, 2007
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a legitimate crew consisting of tycoonwiththebling and slime999ine
"new wave artists into rock/trap".
i really wanna feature compass gang.
by tycoonwiththebling July 22, 2020
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The supposed ability of a person to find someone with an attractive buttock by ‘sensing’ the location of said buttock in their mind.
My Rumpus Compass is telling me to go over there.
by GoingNorth June 2, 2018
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When your buddy is feeling down, you fill their ass with an “ample amount” of coolwhip and eat it out. Great for rainy days, it’s sure to make you feel better when you’re sad.
My buddy Rafael is looking upset today. I think I’ll give him a tasty compassion cupcake.
by xX_odie_Xx October 23, 2019
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Compasser is another way of saying yes
“Hey I heard you liked that one girl with long hair.” Compasser I do.
by sunnylikesmuwah January 8, 2022
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A navigation tool that can get somebody through a pandemic.
If her moral compass didn't point to "I win, they lose, I'm awesome!" (something like North), she didn't get the compass, nothing made sense, and somebody had to take control of the compass until it told her "I win, they lose. I'm awesome!" again (at which point everything would make sense again).
by The Original Agahnim January 7, 2022
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