When you and your roommate both masturbate while pretending to be asleep, each keeping one eye open to make sure the other one doesn't 'wake up'.
This unintentionally awkward situation will probably occur several times during the average college semester.
Roommate 1: "Yo man I jerked off so hard last night, thank god you didn't wake up."
Roommate 2: "Haha me too..."
Roommate 1: "Oops, that was totally a mexican standoff..."
by thenotoriousdonut December 17, 2015
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When 2 or more cars pull up to an intersection with stop signs and each driver waits for the other person to make the first move though the intersection.
I would have been here sooner but I got stuck behind a car at a four way stop and nobody would move, it was like a stop sign standoff
by road rager runner May 12, 2009
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A gentlemen's duel. Two men have a staring contest completely naked, while masturbating vigorously. First one to blink or ejaculate loses, however if the semen hit's the opponent in the eye resulting in blinking, the ejaculator wins. However if the opponent does not blink after being hit in the eye, they win.
When no other means of reconciliation could be achived between the two parties, a French Canadian Standoff was held to decide the outcome of the argument.
by Red Kayak November 13, 2010
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If someone is browsing a section of a shelf at a grocery where you need something from and pretend to look at other stuff until they go away. Little do you know they are doing the same thing and are waiting for you to leave the section behind them.
"I swear today I think I was waiting for someone to leave the canned soup section while they were waiting for me to leave the salsa section diagonally behind them."

"Ah, the ole “Mexican food standoff.”
by Nilliks October 28, 2017
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When your trying to get the perfect table at your family vacation meeting place and need to table hop people to ensure you have enough seats
When are with getting here I’m in a six top standoff with three other families
by BillyBSevenOne July 2, 2022
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The British-American standoff is a situation in chess, where one side has lost the queen and the other side lost two towers.
-Yestarday, Tommy and I played chess.
-Was it intense?
-Yes, we ended up in the British-American standoff quite early.
by MeavyHetal September 12, 2022
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When both parties see each other is typing in an iMessage, and both are waiting for the other one to send first.
While Beth was typing to Sue on her iPhone, she noticed by the three fluctuating dots that Sue was typing as well. She decided to wait to see what Sue would send first. Little did she know, Sue was doing the same...

Turns out they were in a Three Dot Standoff.
by Palomino1 February 27, 2020
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