(2002-2003) A small akward car fashioned after the Nissan Frontier Pick-up truck and a potato.

(2004-2006) A small akward car that gives the slight impression of grandmas grocery getter if it was on speed

(2007+) A small awkard car that is trying to hide its specv roots by dressing up like a Toyota Prius.
Spec V = Vrrrroom Bwwahhhhhhhh Vroooommmmm Bwwahhhhh
by Mike Oxbegg September 29, 2007
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1 spec is something from runescape. A person with a dragon dagger would do a special attack and 1 hit KO you. That would be a 1 spec.
Nerd: Hey nub lets battle!
Person: Okay, stake: 1m
Nerd: I will 1 spec you noob! I stake phat!
Person: Okay, lets go..
( in the duel arena, the person 1 specs the nerd with his dds.)
Person: Noob, I can 1 spec you any day.
by 1 spec ownage November 24, 2008
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Spec-Ops. A secret American organization fighting terrorist and political groups. This group is unknown to all but the select few in it.
by F.S. October 16, 2003
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'The Tech Spec Came Round Today To Fix The Computer'
by 100walrus December 24, 2006
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derived from the phrase 'mentally special'. It is a shorter way to say it and is mostly used in situations when one is talking about a retarded person. A proper way to say it.
Ridah 1: hey nigga look at that taylor
Ridah 2: yah which one?
Ridah 1: the one next to wiz
Ridah 2: the mint specs? wut about him?
Ridah 1: he drooling all over!
Ridah 2: brutha dont be mean.....
Ridah 1: aight aight fine
by filpralf May 23, 2011
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A skyline, that Carl does not have
Carl: My Skyline is a Limited edition M-Spec
me: but.. its a gts25, its not turbo.. so its NOT M-spec!
by the other fella February 7, 2009
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see JDM

can be used as an adjective to describe anything that is exotic to Japan and Japanese car culture
look at the angle on that exhaust - it's definitely j-spec
by sadfadf June 22, 2008
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