The perfection of human kind, but since this left handed person is also a ginger, they are also perfection of the alien race. This person is within the 1% of the world's population making them the minority. Gingers are known to be exotic as well as having a higher sex drive, so what does this mean if that ginger is left handed? It is hard to discover, but once found, it is easy to say it was breath taking to the point they give you your breath back. There are rarely any definitions for this left handed redhead because no words can truly describe the experience they give you.
by A left handed redhead December 2, 2011
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Another term for a mixed beer drink, similar to a black and tan, comprised of Guinness floated over Stella Artois. The ratio of Guinness to Stella should be slightly higher than in a black and tan.

See also black on blond
Yo, gimme a black on blond. Oh, you might know that as a blonde redhead.
by Quackenblatz March 21, 2008
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A man with red hair who rides elevators all day. When he is alone with one other man, he stops the lift, and begins reaching around to grab at some cock. He is paid to do this, by the Bureau of Redheaded Homosexuality, which ensures that redheaded men are as gay as humanly possible. The best redheaded rod grabber is awarded with the Ginger Meatlog Cup at the yearly banquet of employees.
As the elevator doors opened and I walked in, I quickly realized that the mincing, ratlike redhead in the corner was a redheaded rod grabber, and I chose to take the stairs instead.
by Curtis Hill November 26, 2006
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A person half black and half white that feels extremely inferior whenever in the presence of a red-headed person and avoids them at all costs due to fear.
I've noticed that guy at work Larry is a anti-redheaded racist.
by ptl1966#1 October 15, 2010
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If you send this to a thick redhead she has to send a picture of her cake
National text a thick redhead day
by The wizard 85246 July 16, 2020
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lily redhead is a gorgeous jam eating fine ass mother fucker with a slim body who is pretty fine shes a parking ticket
lily redhead: hi
me:hi, are you a parking ticket?
lily: no you dickhead
by weebo0996 February 27, 2014
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November 18 is a day where somebody asks out a ginger
You- “it’s November 18 has anyone asked you out yet today?”
Redhead- “no, why”
You- “it’s ask out a redhead day”
Redhead- “what’s that mean?”
You- “you just ask out a red read on Ask a redhead out day “
by Annah banana November 17, 2020
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