Peggy likes looking up names in urban dictionary. Willow likes Peggy. Willow doesn’t want Peggy to be bored. Willow wants Peggy to do homework.
by Wowthatscrazy September 16, 2023
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Similar to Cunt or Karen. A Peggy is a women in her 30s that hates all other women that don’t say or do exactly what she wants. Their appearance is usually the same long brown hair with streaks, no makeup but uses filters, and have gel nails. Their uniform is high waisted shinny jeans and UU or LoLou leggings and hoodies. They usually drive jeeps or restored trucks. They have 1 or 2 kids to show the world how hard their lives are being a mother and working. They look homeless but like to brag about spa days. They also numerous facebook and instagram accounts with only 1 post so they can go in and Troll the accounts of whom they are jealous, which is mostly coworkers . When peggy’s do work it’s in jobs where they can get personal information or roles of management. Peggy’s are narcissistic Everything is everyone else fault. Peggy’s are mean spirited and nasty. Peggy’s can only be your friend when they need someone to cover their mistakes so they can take the fall for them. Never marry a Peggy she will make your life miserable. Peggy’s Love drinking. Alcohol is their fuel. The male version of a Peggy is a Danny
Peggy spends her evenings drinking wine and trolling women she’s envious of on facebook to have something to go to the boss about.
by tit4tat2022 April 25, 2022
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A Haligonian variant on "Karen"; a pejorative term for a white woman perceived as entitled or demanding beyond the scope of what is normal. The term is often portrayed in memes depicting entitled women from Halifax who use their privilege to demand their own way.
Did you read the Reddit post about that Peggy that wants all the partying near her house to end?
by DiscoGodfather September 14, 2022
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The natural evolution of a Karen. Though similar in appearance, a Peggy expects everyone to conform to their ideals while they hide behind claims of a made up medical conditions or the law. They try to find ways to work around rules, and likes to hide behind social media. Their entitlement encourages lesser Karens to evolve into a Peggy. They also have the power to create new Karens where they feed off their entitlement.

A Karen will walk into a store, find issues, and then start recording; However, a Peggy's entitlement will cause them to be recording before walking into a store as they are so entitled that they seek out conflict and record themselves before instigating it. It is not uncommon for a Peggy to search for things just to be triggered all the time.

Once a Peggy, they spend hours of their lives scouring the internet watching, and reading misinformation believing anything they see to be true despite any logical proof shown to them. As a result, their educational background consists of conspiracy theories,QA+ and thin veils of being free from government control.

Their weaknesses are liberals, people of color, masks, youtube, social media, science.
A Peggy walked into my store video taping before walking in today disputing our stores rules and called me a liberal. Ok, Peggy!
by Kenny Jesus June 19, 2020
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A term used for the cult members in far cry 5

A redneck term for classmates and/or coworkers
Sharky: PEGGIES!

Jacob: God these darn peggies being annoying makes me wanna kill myself
by theaidsman1776 July 18, 2023
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A over-compensatingly dominant female that loves to insert objects into a submissive victims. Peggy's often brag about their strap on collections and give their toys affectionate names like "Don Jr" or "Eric". Other activities Peggys enjoy include being grabbed by famous people, the general degradation of others and pretending to be the HBIC of anything, frequently while wearing red hats and spewing nonsense at excessive volume .
It's absurd, its a flame, its a Peggy . . .
by Michaeltoo February 9, 2020
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