A person who has a hard time thinking about other things besides cannabis.
Since the first toke, Terry has been a MJ Brain.
by NIHILISM GURU November 7, 2023
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mj is my bestie boo and i love him sooooooo sooooooo soooo much even though he gets on my nerves and is my biggest hater i wouldn’t replace him for nobody. He loves to dr me but he always listens to all of my bs stories knowing i talk way too much and never complains. Mj is my number 1 favorite person to talk too and i feel like i can talk to him about any and everything. too my bestie boo you will forever not be able too beat me and i’m still older then you so stop calling me a youngin. anyway i love you bestie
who’s better then mani&mj ?
by mani&mj July 20, 2023
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Man Jamming Steady

A good worker who has found the tao of their craft, whatever it may be, giving them the ability to make complex and intricate tasks appear effortless by performing them with sheer precision and absolute accuracy, every time.

An MJS who has mastered their craft then transcends to a pedagogical role, elevating those in their presence with empowerment through shared knowledge and support, specifically characterized by a distinct absence of threats, criticism, or any other forms of discouragement.
"This project is doomed! How are we ever going to meet the deadline and stay under budget? It looks impossible!"

"Cancel the meetings, relax, and let the MJS work his magic- this whole thing will be straight by morning."


"How is this student able to accomplish so much with so few resources?"

"She apprenticed under an MJS and learned the path to enlightenment. Now her actions are an extension of herself and her work is fully harmonized with her surroundings."
by Mike DeBest January 27, 2013
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an initial for the most annoying person on the planet. they can not ever stop talking and it sounds like nails on a chalk board. has a shrimp dick and a rotten soul. can barely speak english and is the least romantic person i’ve ever met. dating him is like dating the devil. even worse.
MJS??! run the other way!!
by sdpeff November 18, 2022
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the best friendship ever that is in no way romantic
mj can never date bc they’re best friend goals
by themysticuni December 16, 2018
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Mj, another word for faggot. or most commonly referred to as "Fag"
"MJ is such a faggot!"
"That MJ guy is such a fag!"
by Soublades September 29, 2023
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