The sexiest man alive who is in one of the best bands.
1: omg who’s that!
2:that’s jed Thomas the sexiest man in the world
by Ml54 January 4, 2020
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A 'Jed Dal Zotto' is a man who thinks like no other, He think like an asian who just shat on a kid in fortnite, that asians name is Aarin, the hottest man of all, apart from jung kook
I'm acting like a real 'Jed Dal Zotto' Right now
by Jed Dal Zotto November 15, 2022
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For example
Pete said, "I prefer Levi Jed Murphys in a navy blue rather than maroon."
by Canadianguy February 2, 2014
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a italian man whos uncle is vey hot i mean hes so hot anyone from australia would want him but jed needs a haircut and lionel his wife may sometimes beat him when hes drunk
"uh here goes jed dal zotto with all these bruises from his wife lionel
by caleb mattasoni November 15, 2022
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its when you take your schlong and pull it
out of your pocket so it hangs out over your jeans but its covered by the inside lining of your pocket, seen often with jeans and bigweeners
The bitch asked for my cell phone, and i pulled out uncle jeds pocket watch instead!
by p cutta April 11, 2005
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its when you pull your schlong out of your pocket so it is hanging over your jeans, but is covered by the inner lining of your pocket
tha bitch axed for my celly, so i pulled out uncle jeds pocket watch on her!
by p cutta April 11, 2005
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