A shower head made out of gold. Probably used by rich people.
oh shoot i cant believe i finally received my golden shower today cant wait to try it out
by Applepippin July 7, 2023
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Getting urinated on in a sexual manner.
boy: Yo I gave Tahlia a golden shower last night, she loves them!
by naughtybo1 October 6, 2020
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When you take a shower in rusty water because your water softener isn't softening hard water correctly, either due to inappropriate maintenance schedules. Hard water is generally well-water from an aquifer with a high sediment and mineral content, such as rust.
I've been feeling pretty terrible lately due to my golden showers I've been taking. This water has really been hard on my hair.
by real_golden_showers March 12, 2023
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The thing bob likes her to do in bed because he is a kinky mofucka
“Bob the donut is a kinky mofuka who likes getting golden showers
by joshua Smurkens December 24, 2020
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World's best game that makes you climax multiple times while playing it.

Also might be a codeword for heroin addicts.

By Jesus™.
Boy, I really love Pornsex® Golden Shower.
by Jesus™ November 21, 2020
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When your penis shrinks without your realizing, you sit down to go to the bathroom, and you end up peeing over the edge of the toilet onto the floor and possibly onto your pants
Hey Kevin, what’s on your pants? Did you take a Hong Kong golden shower?
by Lilbigs September 18, 2023
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When you shoot a VZ-61 Scorpion and finish a 20-round mag before the first brass hits the ground.
Brandon Herrera: The VZ-61 makes such a cool noise when you do the Czech golden shower.
Me: Please Brandon, have my children.
by Lets_Go_Brandon November 17, 2022
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