to pretend that u havin sex on aim by typin in da noises youd make. usually done by virgins who just wish that it was actually happenin
roxychik880: harder, HARDER!
lakersfan55: YEa BiTch!

that is aim fucking
by aaaaannnnnttttthhhhh July 23, 2008
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A person (either gender fits, actually...) who talks to multiple people, at the same time. This can get very annoying, as this person is usually cybering with other people, and then ignoring their true friends who then decide that they've had enough of waiting twenty minutes for a reply of "yeah" or "ok" or "yep" or "lol".
me: hey
AIM slut: hey
me: how are you?
(5 minutes pass)
AIM slut: ok
me: cool. did you see (insert movie here) I thought it was pretty cool, but (insert actor here) was just retarded in it. bad acting and everything. What'd you think?
AIM slut: lol yeah.
^ that is an AIM slut.
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A Tier 3 Perk in Call of Duty 4 and World at War which makes both your primary weapon's and secondary weapon/side arm's accuracy from the hip (no sight) MUCH improved. It is a big boost, since even the M14, which is notorious for having a lot of recoil from the hip is almost as accurate as when aimed from the sights.
The M14 was a nightmare to use when in a quick reaction because I didn't use the sights and it recoiled like crazy. Then I put Steady Aim on and I don't need the sights anywhere near as much!
by AoA March 4, 2009
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someone whos entire day revolves around talking to people on AIM
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One who uses AIM to stalk others online by obsessively reading their profiles and checking their away messages. Those people stalked do not know that they are being stalked.
Julia: Hey, did you hear? Brad won't be at the party, he's going skiing this weekend.
Lauren: How did you hear that, you and Brad aren't friends?
Julia: I'm an aim stalker, I read his away message.
by bliss0832 April 4, 2005
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It is a probable fact that anal sex started out as bad aim.
by Killing Kittens December 11, 2005
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Have you ever gone to a friend's house and you can't even carry on a conversation with them because they're busy talking on AIM for hours to about 20 people at once? That's an AIM addict.
I deleted my AIM a few years after I downloaded it because it was fucking stupid. Unfortunately, I regret introducing my friend to it because now she's never off it. We're not friends anymore.
by Morbidia May 30, 2005
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