After a girl cums when she is on her period with a yeast infection.
"I was fuckin this chick last night and when i was finished, her pussy was covered with 1000 island dressing"
by Stina_36 October 14, 2011
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When a man takes 1000 viagra pills and shoves his 15 foot dick into a girl vagina 1000 times
dude i sword of 1000 truths my girlfriend yesterday , i think i killed her.
by 1337zor April 13, 2008
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someone who is very smart, and hate people with 1 braincell, like everyone should. This includes retarded schools. They will grow up in life and be smarter then Einstein
"Fucking Nerd" - Dementor
"I heard he is an 1000 IQ Person" - Demon
"hell yeah I am, btw I hate you both. Your dumb as shit" - 1000 IQ Person
by G7XPOWERSHOT August 17, 2018
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Properly filled in a brandy glass, or Ozzy will not go on stage. They can usually be found in a little sweet shop at the edge of town of Sri Lanka, formerly Ceylon. Often guarded by a bloody great big Bengal tiger. The tiger can be taken out by a can of mace. But the shop owner and his son, that's a different story altogether.
So there I am, in Sri Lanka, formerly Ceylon, at about 3 o'clock in the morning, looking for 1000 brown M&Ms to fill a brandy glass, or Ozzy wouldn't go on stage that night
by Mr. Tater Moisty Naps November 11, 2010
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A trend on the internet in which clickbait youtubers heat a knife to about 200 degrees and attempt to cut stuff, but try to make the video past 10 minutes long in order to get ad revenue.
Person 1: Did you see that 1000 degree glowing knife go through that piece of plastic?
by KOPYKATZ June 3, 2017
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when a girl makes a guy simp over her; even though she has like 10 bodies.
Mawwa burnt Dee’s head.. city girls up +1000.
by icebergsmoove May 4, 2022
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A Minecraft Meme where a Player runs "/set strength" commands and becomes buff and strong that nobody can slain him on the Minecraft world.
A Guy : What's That Command Again?
A Second Guy : !set strength 1000
A Guy : Thanks!
A Third Guy : !set strength 1000000
by UrbanReader2242 April 24, 2021
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