Playing crappy unblocked games on a school tech device in class because your bored and don't wanna do work.
She was 1st period gaming during math so she could be occupied.
by Webster's Father's Father October 26, 2020
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It's when you use your school's tech Devices to play unblocked games that are 99% so bad.
In Math Today, I was 1st Period Gaming, because math is always so boring.
by Webster's Father's Father October 26, 2020
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Phantom Periods are typically defined as period pain that comes and goes in a vague manner. You will find yourself on the toilet hunched over in pain, only to realize the pain isn't really THAT bad, or even worse, that there wasn't any pain in the first place. This type of pain cannot be conveyed properly in speech.
Me: I'm having a Phantom Period.
Period Normie: what's that?
Me: When you're on your period and it hurts but it also doesn't.
Period Normie: da fuk
by is It Stupid? A.) No B.)N January 15, 2022
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When a woman has the flu, snot bubbles may occur, period bubbles, may also occur. A period bubble is when a red balloon emerges out of yer fanny while simultaneously having a cold and on your period.
Little girl: "Mommy! I just got my first period bubble (:!"
Mommy: "You are a period bubble."
by ToffeeAppleTaker69 November 2, 2019
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A verb used to describe a woman who is having her period
Omfg all I had to do was go near **** and she infected me with her periodness!!
by Yooteful August 27, 2015
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pronunciation: period(ness)

All the extra s**t her uterus puts out into the universe. A cloud of "F**k you" rolls around the profane creature, creating loathing and repugnance in whatever room the uterus-holder may be in. While 'period' describes the actual process, 'periodness' describes that extra that she exudes that you can't quite describe or put your finger on, but that you wish, with every fiber of your being, that you did not have to be with behind enemy lines for the next seven to fourteen days, ducking in and out of various rooms of the residence to avoid the walking hatebox.
Suzy asked if I was going to come to bed tonight, but I told her I am sleeping on the couch until all of her periodness has evaporated from her system.
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The Debug Menu of the thing that created us, scientists, biologists, geologists, etc just call it the “Periodic Table” Little do the scientists know, this is just how god does it, he uses The Periodic Table like a creative mode menu.
Science Teacher: If you look at the Periodic Table you will see that Mercury is right here.
by Eerie Five September 29, 2023
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