Yellow Wang Ointment is an asian about to "bust a nut" on another dudes cock. In the process of trying to do this, the other dude has to knee the "Ointment Giver" in the balls to create a yellowy-red colour to add to the sperm
"Yeah, the other day i had to give the Yellow Wang Ointment to some old dude. Scary shit"
by young dagger clit January 7, 2018
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phrase uttered many a times by a legendary man of the name kai; meaning remains unclear
I told you, never diss the wang.
by johnhall123 May 23, 2023
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Wait and Hang mixed together said in a rush
Wang on a minute that’s not right!
by Adswellfit August 10, 2019
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When you get an std after a gang bang
Shit i though i was safe but i go a gang wang
by Thejumacatedscholar February 28, 2019
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Occurs while a male in the depths of slumber attempts to roll over but is unable to do so due to his wang acting as a kick stand preventing his body from fully completing said action.
"I was having a great dream until I fucking rolled over into a wang lean-to."
by Imn2deepbackatthehotel December 17, 2016
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hawtie. she is the hawtest person alive. we have to bow down to her because she is the most godly god there is
Person: Wow u look like Anabelle Wang
Another person: Wow gee wiz thanks. Thats a huge compliment
by Idfwpwfwpidfw February 26, 2020
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