When someone is violently vomiting. Created from the sound that is produced from the mouth while projectile vomiting.
Did you see Eugene out in the bushes vomiting?" "No, but I sure heard him loud and clear, he was yelling for Europe.
by chaochball December 2, 2010
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The idea that vocal and frequent expression of your opinions and ideologies should be the default and is the most healthy state of any individual.
Man on the sidewalk: THE WORLD IS ENDING IN 2012!

Man in car: Yell your mind!
by Spozzy January 9, 2011
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An exclamation used to express anxiety, paranoia, and sometimes anger. Usually spoken with the voice style of a mentally challenged person with an IQ of around 13. It is customary for the user to place their hands (preferably open-palmed) over their ears, simulating earmuffs, as the exclamation implies they want to shut out the "yelling". It is also customary to do such action when no one in the vicinity of the user is yelling or even merely raising their voice.
Tim's Mom (Calmly): I think you could have done better on that math test, Tim.

Tim: *Covers ears* Don't yell at me!!!!!

Tim's Mom: Christ, I should of taken the Asian kid at the adoption center....

*Tim continues to block all sound out with his hands*
by Quit yelling!!!! August 1, 2009
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Yell oh Ell.

When people type in all capital letters when they are laughing
"...dude wtf my cat is licking me."
"dont yell oh ell at me"
by KatesBored July 20, 2008
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A phrase or yell commonly used to call up the squad. Sounds similar to "gahuuuh!"
Me: Gahuuuh
Friend: What was that?
Me: Da squad yell bruh!
by CrazyJ0825 March 8, 2017
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"Did you see how wasted Mike was last weekend? He spent the whole night yelling at his shoes. "
by strikingoil May 25, 2014
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to scream and complain very loudly
The protest started out peaceful, but as it degraded more and more, the crowds began to yell bloody murder.
by The Return of Light Joker January 4, 2008
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