also used (dont ask me why) to describe the drive/ride quality of certain 4 wheel drive trucks
dude, your truck rides like a brick shithouse, go buy some shocks!
by sayonaura April 20, 2004
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Deranged, demented behavior that others deem similar to that of a rodent that dwells in a wood shithouse.
He's crazy as a shithouse rat! If his toes slip off that steering wheel that car's gonna roll.
by Rev Tolby October 17, 2007
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Someone who sits in a public restroom stall and taps their foot to signal people in adjoining stalls in search of sex.
Senator Craig recently got busted for pulling a shithouse Ginger Rogers in a public restroom at the Minneapolis airport.
by David Attella August 31, 2007
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A perverse sexual act. It combines elements of the Cleveland Steamer and the Blumpkin. The man straddles the woman who's giving him head, and in the process defecates on her chest.
Bill just called, he picked up this girl at the bar and went back to her place and did the Sandusky Brick Shithouse.
by gally82 October 7, 2009
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A human who would be great at laying bricks due to his dead trim. Very aggressive and often pulls doors off of hinges in random uncontrollable rage.
"Micheal, or Mikey Brick Shithouse for short, slammmed a year 7 into a door"
by Bricklayer123455 February 4, 2020
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The lowest of the low..Imagine some guy asking to shine your shoes at at a remote shithouse(outhouse).
That shithouse shine-olah kept comin' around lookin' for some free weed
by spike001 July 15, 2006
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