It it what happens a few days after Halloween. After all the good candy is gone. You have gone from eating Snickers and Kit Kats to Smarties and Jolly Ranchers. When this have a Halloween Recession on your hands.
The Halloween Recession has hit at our house. We are down to the hard candies and dums dums.
by Jamie AKA The Hussy Housewife November 8, 2010
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A sexual act involved in the bedroom between a man and a woman. The man inserts his penis into the vagina, before removing it and inserting it into the anus, then into the mouth, then back to the vagina, then back into the anus and so on and so forth until he cums.
No care is given to the cleanliness of the penis as it is transferred from one bodily entrance to another.

The term derives from economics, 'a long-term recession', because many couples now resort to more compelling sex moves due to personal financial circumstances.
Not to be confused with a Double-Dip Recession, which excludes insertion into the mouth.
"The Triple-Dip Recession is really taking its toll on me and my partner. I've had two vaginal infections in the past three weeks."
by arransc April 13, 2013
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Condition resulting from months of doing the work of 4. Exacerbated by repeated taskus interuptus

Your brain is like a shaken lava lamp. Your planning and decision making functions are like those of a squirrel in traffic.

Treatment: If you cannot manage a week on a beach, a quick fix would be to lay on your front lawn in a fetal position for as long as it takes to re-focus.
If I work another weekend I will develop a full-blown case of Recession Attention Disorder
by teeceeTO July 10, 2010
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An identifier denoting that the speaker doesn't play games
"Close your eyes, because you can't see me…I quit school because of recess, you fucking BG!"
-Snoop Dogg
by themagicalnegro June 3, 2010
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noun: the new disease. Much like chronic bronchitis that can take months, even years to go away.

The new excuse to not do anything. This is the act of excluding yourself from social activities because you simply just can't afford it.

see also: recessionista
Amber: Hey are you coming out to the bar tonight?

Amy: Ahh man I wish I could... but I have a really bad case of recessionitis.
by ae123456 March 4, 2009
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Recessionism is a political ideology that believes an economic recession would benefit the rich and powerful while harming the poor and average working class. This is because the wealthy and billionaires would be able to buy things cheaper while the working class would have to suffer more due to the loss of jobs. The recessionist believes that this will push the government to make the rich pay more taxes, thus making the economy better off and this is a form of economic socialism, which is a major part of the capitalist system. The recessionist believes that the economy will get better if the rich suffer more from losing their money and their jobs and that the economy will get worse if the rich get richer and lose fewer jobs.

This is because the average person is a capitalist and the recessionist believes that a capitalist is someone who is against the interests of the poor and the working class, thus making the rich and powerful even go bankrupt.

In 2011, Congress passed a bill that gave more money to the government and banks.

This bill was the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) and this act was passed because the government and the banks were in trouble, due to the financial crisis and the recession. This act had some good effects, but it was also used as a way to redistribute wealth.
Recessionism is a classic bait-and-switch ideology.
by The Ferocious Whomper December 8, 2022
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Matt’s signature move on Sundays with Allie.
“Hey Allie get ready because I’m about to homozygous recessive birthday bash smash you!”
by Allie Lovr March 26, 2018
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