2 definitions by arransc

A sexual act involved in the bedroom between a man and a woman. The man inserts his penis into the vagina, before removing it and inserting it into the anus, then into the mouth, then back to the vagina, then back into the anus and so on and so forth until he cums.
No care is given to the cleanliness of the penis as it is transferred from one bodily entrance to another.

The term derives from economics, 'a long-term recession', because many couples now resort to more compelling sex moves due to personal financial circumstances.
Not to be confused with a Double-Dip Recession, which excludes insertion into the mouth.
"The Triple-Dip Recession is really taking its toll on me and my partner. I've had two vaginal infections in the past three weeks."
by arransc April 13, 2013
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A sexual act involved in the bedroom between a man and a woman. The man inserts his penis into the vagina, before removing it and inserting it into the anus, then back to the vagina, then back into the anus and so on and so forth until he cums.
The term derives from economics, 'a long-term recession', because many couples now resort to more compelling sex moves due to personal financial circumstances.
Not to be confused with a Triple-Dip Recession, which involves insertion into the mouth as well.
"We had so many financial problems after I lost my job, I had to give her a Double-Dip Recession until I cummed in her arse"
by arransc April 13, 2013
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