Some hoe with tits like a 3 yr olds.
"That bitch faced little hoe fucker cunt has Pita Bread tits"
by Fucc me daddy September 18, 2016
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origin: tehmick's ass
definition: A loser's expression on the finheaven forums that reflects his low intelligence level.
"Pita pa key" is a stupid moronic expression.
by Jesus D. Lurker February 15, 2005
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when one defecates in is/her ass crack and the partner licks it out
yo dude, that mutha gave me an urban pita wrap last night, fo shizzle
by Jeff March 22, 2004
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A woman's breast that looks triangular and ussaslualy cums with a side of hummus
by Dankpepes4life September 18, 2016
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A slang term used when one gets excited to eat Pita Pit- a restaurant that serves pitas. You must pound your fists into your chest and scream it like a wanna be football player while you say it.
Fuck Yea, pita pit! I'm so excited to stuff this pita down my throat.

Hi I'm Dan Baker and I'm a meathead, fuck yea pita pit!
by LarviBaby21 January 29, 2009
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Another good comeback for ya mum / ya mudda / ya mam / yo mother / your dad on bacon scruts i think? :P
deck head 1: Ya mum
deck head 2: Ya nan on pita bread
deck head 1: *ummmm ..... *Blank**
deck head 2: Mwhahaha :D I win!
by hamster_f_92 May 4, 2008
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When you fart in a girls mouth and then make her eat your ass hair.
Yo, i gave that biatch the ol' hot pita pocket with extra sprouts last night
by Mark Elliott October 25, 2006
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