As nice as anything one can think of
that bitch was sweet as
by SSJ4_Macd January 8, 2004
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used to shut someone up when they are talking to you, when to be honest you just dont give a shit
"oh, did a tell you that laura's dog died?"
"she's really upset!"
"you could show more sympathy"
"sweet, anyway... more importantly, suck me off"
by tiddlywinkle March 29, 2005
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A reply to something that is good or pleases you.
by PAPTSACUTUD September 16, 2018
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Totally awesome, or, the general response to a stunt or trick of high quality, and regard. To perform with utter, unadulterated awesomeness.
Dude, that was like the sweetest move I've ever seen!

It would be pretty sweet if you could pull off a 900.

by booc0mtaco October 26, 2004
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the act of talking about sweet things of the person you like
he annoyed me with his sweeting.
by that azn kid October 13, 2011
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marijuana rolled up into a Swisher Sweet cigar. used mostly in the Baytown/Houston, TX area
wanna go roll up a sweet before we leave to church?
by Yopo King June 29, 2011
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Synonym for: Rad, Phat, Killer, Holler, Devious, Slammin, Hotness, Grand Royal, Tubular, Bodacious, Werd, Super, Grovey, Lovely, Far-Out, Gravey, Gangsta, Fo Grizzle, Dangels, Bangin, Busticated, Ratitatat, Lalapalooza, Jugula, Frankfort. Not Peace
by Sherlock April 10, 2003
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