A place where clapped posh white kids get cussed by liqal black yutes,And all the girls that go up to yr7 from this primary turn into prince Williams strippers all the gyally are flat and have acknee on their pum
Brindishe manor This is a school
by Mr steal ur virginity August 24, 2019
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Kendajah is a very emotional person who loves to be on her phone and gets agitated when someone messes with her she is also loving and loves to take naps.
by Jerry rock March 25, 2018
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1) The word used to describe a man who is a whore. Pronounced like "manure".

2) A man who can't keep is penis in his pants. Takes it out whenever he feels the need.

3) Fucks hoes allday errday. He isn't respected by women but is to all of his friends who are just like him.

4) Male equivalent to a female whore.

How to spot a manore:
- He will eyefuck you until you lady jizz.
- Will be too good with his words.
- He might look a bit gay just to make ladies feel more comfortable.
- Is normally a musician.
- Has a herd of sluts following him. They are normally the girls he has already pursued.
- They can look ugly or beautiful, just watch out.
Whatta manore (man-ore).
by NINJA-JONES February 18, 2011
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A super haunted mansion in Mcminville TN footsteps in the night whistleing on Christmas when only one person is there people dying on stairs and it's a bed and breakfast
Fuck we broke into falcon manor last night and someone walked down the stairs and ran at us but no one was there. -bob

And when we were running from falcon manor I dropped my skittles- john

Falcon manor is bad news - jackson
by Shinra the cap April 9, 2017
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If you want a fake friend be sure to apply, but remember Manor New tech only accepts 60 students from each sho!
by Newtechculture June 12, 2018
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Often populated by nosy people, newtech is the school where you cannot hide your business. Stress may overwhelm you by the first year, but don’t you worry, there is a lot more anxiety to come. A true unnecessary experience to have as a troubled teen.
I wanna go to Manor newtech because it’s for smart people
by cytokinesis June 12, 2018
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A giant mansion where Draco ( my boyfriend not yours) lives with his mother and father ( Lucias and Narcissa). It's a popular death eaters meeting point. It is situated in the country side. (Fuck you Lucias.)
Me:I had sex with Draco at Malfoy Manor
Lucias: *spits out drink*
Narcissa: ...
Voldemort: ...
Every death eater: ...
Draco: *blushes bc he's very embarrassed*
Me: I don't why I said that
Me: slowly dies inside
by January 4, 2021
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