mario says “So long, Kinga Bowser!” When he throws bowser in the original super mario 64
by PlotagonRocks September 21, 2020
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When a man gels his pubes into a spike to penetrate a womans ass during sex
“I saw that guy buying a bunch of gel. Must be doing the dirty bowser
by whitecarchocolate August 14, 2022
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The term to describe the Nintendo character Bowser when he ballin'
Mama Mia! That Bowser Ballin' again!
by sprogaming September 17, 2022
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A person (particularly a reptilian dragon turtle ghost hybrid) who lives in a flying boat
"Its the flying bowser"
by Electric Raccon July 19, 2021
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Many think that Bowser Oil® is drilled and extracted from the lands of the Mushroom Kingdom, but very few know that it actually seeps from the plentiful jowls of Bowser himself! His juices help many aspiring jowl artists grow their pathetic, deflated, disgraceful, jowls into mighty, plump, and radiant jowls.
Kid: Mommy, your jowls are just so robust and radiant. Will be jowls ever grow to become that powerful?

Mom: My child, with enough hard work, strength, and Bowser Oil®, your jowls could one day be as mighty as mine!
by JowlMaster April 18, 2023
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The refinery company that drills, extracts, refines, and distributes oil and it's counterparts all over the Mushroom Kingdom.
We wouldn't have Mario Kart without Bowser Oil!
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Like 'Screw the Pooch' to royally fuck things, like FUBAR.
He was so poorly trained and inexperienced, he buffed bowser.
by Gleenoid May 18, 2020
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