The act a person commits when they are thinking about something and begin talking out loud to themselves about it. Similar to 'thinking it over.'
Man: Is she talking to us?

Woman: Nah, she just got in a fight and now she's mumbling it over.
by JacintaK July 6, 2009
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Basically a mumbly sort of bum. A derogatory term for someone who does not pronounce their words effectively.
I can't figure out if I ordered a ticket to France or am going to dine on a pair of pants as the travel agent was a mumble bum.
by Rob Mercer January 21, 2006
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Simply put: smallish flatulence just before taking a shit.
Honey, get out of the bathroom, now. I've got the ass mumbles and she's gonna blow.
by The Mumbling Manchildren February 9, 2010
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A Mumble/laugh that is a repetition of the word or phrase that was just said beforehand. this is usually done by a nerd or a dork.
That nerd freaks me out. He just post mumbled. What a weirdo
by Danny123456781992 September 17, 2008
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When your paramour is trying to whisper you sweet words but you can't hear shit they are saying because they talk like they have a mouth full of marbles.
Oh Sylvia, I can't wait to be next to you tonight and have you whisper me sweet mumbles.
by SwiftyDefines August 31, 2017
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What beta gimps call their Dom when he mouth fucks them.
Mr. Mumbles mouth fucked me so hard all you could hear was me coughing up cum.
by MAGAAHHH September 2, 2022
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