A phrase to describe a man with a huge penis. The size of a pack of Ritz crackers... after you've taken out 4 crackers.
"Hey, have you seen Joseph's dick?"
"No! I heard he has a Ritz pack minus 4, though."
by Ritzabee December 18, 2008
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A frequently occurring event wherein, something is inserted into the vagina (a finger, a tongue, a GI Joe doll, etc.) and something else is lost on the way out (a ring, a condom, a fake mustache, Snake Eyes' kick ass Uzi, etc.).
Damn, Civilian, I was finger-banging Kalea last night and I pulled a sub-ham, minus-ham and lost my class ring. I hope Jostens refunds my money, yo, that shit had the Chandler High wolf on it!
by The Original Slim Bavis October 27, 2004
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The Council of Fourteen minus Ten is an Ancient order founded by four Legendary Heroes, Lord Snaffles, God The Great, Fonzi McDepp, and Batman. The Council sees all and Rules all If you are not bowing to the Council you should be.

14 - 10 = awesome
by Lord Snaffles April 7, 2005
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having under water scuba sex
guy#1: i went on a trip to hawaii met this chick and went to the minus mile high club
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The exact opposite of Half-your-age-plus-seven except it determines the reasonable "oldest" acceptable age a person could date so ((your age)*2-7)=X
As X is the oldest acceptable age a person could/ should date.
To find out what age limit (upwards) you should abide to then use this:


So the oldest I should/could date would be 37 years old


by Chewietedy December 4, 2013
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A very difficult mathematical operation, which gives as a result 5.7179625e-48, which is a very complex number. A dumb mathematician said that this number is also the result of 1 to the second. That man was murdered soon after.
by Myhuoseisadragon March 3, 2023
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If you want to be really tricky, instead of saying P base three you can curveball it by saying P base four minus one. A P3 was originaly an unfinished drawing of a penis, but now has come to mean penis.
I started drawing a penis on my friend's homework but I only managed a p base four minus one.

"Quit grabbing your P base four minus one in public, Mark, it's impolite."
by The Horned Water January 26, 2005
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