A masculine man discreetly seeking sex & vanilla fetishes with other like-minded men. Applies to str8, bisexual, & otherwise abstinent males.
by Horny30sDad July 8, 2017
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A hot guy who flirts with every girl he meets, claiming he is just nice, but really just teases every girl and then walks away
Andrew is such a Manwhore Tease
by trytobeme! December 1, 2010
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A Manwhore Rep is the representative of a social group(sometimes reffered to as a friendship group) that commonly brags about how much action he has gotten, bringing up all past instances at any concievable point at great length and detail.

A Manwhore Rep is also the one in the social group that will commonly use such jokes as "your mother!" or use incessant sexual calls such as "i'm glad you've both got protection!"

Such a persona is increasingly common in contemporary western society as they perpetuate the notions of lust over love and women as possesions and objects of desire.
In addition to all this it is important to note that a Manwhore Rep will often be overcompensating for his unacceptable excuse for a penis, it is not uncommon for people to make reference to it as a 'tic tac'.

It can be, in this way, use in an ironic manner to satarise the person in question.
"that calum kid is such a manwhore rep"
*synchronised confirmation by social group* "he sure is"
by ishouldbestudyingformathsexam. November 23, 2009
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This is someone who thinks they are or wants to be a man slag. They refer to themselves as 'getting all the girls', when, in reality, they've slept with one maybe two easy girls.
Oh gosh, that James thinks he's such a stud, he is such a Wannabe Manwhore.
by psychotrainee May 5, 2011
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a simple phrase that is the male counterpart of Girlboss Gaslight Gatekeep.
Both phrases are used interchangeable depending on the person, but a gender neutral option is Sovereign Stealing Sway
Bard: Guys, I don't think I can Mansplain Manipulate Manwhore us out this situation
Barbarian: Manslaughter it is then
by ChaoticChaos April 5, 2023
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A male version of a cooking ho. Likes to wear aprons while sweating profusely over an open flame. Sometimes the flame overwhelms him and he becomes a flamer for the day. Other days he cooks chicken at the joy of his male companion.
Overall the kitchen manwhore is a natural born cooking ho with intentions to go internationally for his cooking expeditions.
Yo that bitch was such a kitchen manwhore, but damn he can cook a mean t-bone steak.
by KigerTiger March 30, 2006
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