I know the guy. A leninist, last time I checked. He's a cool guy, except for that wierd period of intense hatred towards me he had at one point.
by Drake Dracoli November 2, 2003
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The R3 T-20 FA-HS is a SPAA in War Thunder with a Battle Rating of 5.0 in realistic battles. It was (and for some, still is) hated for being at a lower battle rating, as when implimented into the game it was initially at the Battle Rating of 3.3. Due a fast-firing gun and a high top speed, it was easily able to flank and kill other tanks. It was progressively moved higher in BR to the location it currently sits at, solving the issue. The vehicle is referred to by some as the 'Lunchbox' or 'Cockroach' due to the shape of its cabin.
Person 1: I just got killed by an R3 T-20 FA-HS!
Person 2: Tough luck man.
by TwoOrMoreHippos April 28, 2022
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Hs is a german swear word. It‘s mostly used online. Hs is the abbreviation of "hurensohn" and that has the same meaning as the english swear word "son of a bitch"
A: omg that guy just cursed me out
B: call him a hs!
by xxxyyyyyyxxx September 8, 2022
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Term used for the german word Hurensohn (son of a bitch) in online chats in games like Counterstrike
by gebratener June 13, 2022
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