adj. More then likely you are DUMB because you had to waste a few brainwaves and time to look up the word. The word is often written dum because the person is too ignorant to be able to spell an easy word or they don't realize that it has a silent b like comb.
You are dumb for looking up dumb on urbandictionary. com instead of doing it secretly in a library.
by sgkitty February 3, 2005
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Dumb. 1) n. A species of desert-dwelling fish known for its perplexingly illogical physiology and its obtuse psychology. Notably, a famous dumb named Romosome is on display in the #finalfight Museum of Aeronautics. 2) adj. Having traits comparable to such a fish.
This article is dumb.
by not anybody at all March 23, 2007
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"Did you see that chick with the smokin body?"
"Yeah, that body was dumb!"
by Charlie Willcox March 17, 2007
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Pretty okay stuff. Similar to the slang use of the word bad.
I went to the concert last night. That shit was dumb.
by slonob February 1, 2004
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the person who looked up this definition because they dont know what it is.
you are stupid and dumb.
by abbieann June 3, 2005
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When a guy gets stupid because he has so much deadly sperm buildup (DSB) and is desperate for a place to unload it.
Bonnie said once Adam got rid of his dumb dumb juice and got his dick confidence back, he was able to focus on the game.
by rose in a thimble October 26, 2013
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its a condition when one cannot speak or make noise
the next time someone calls u dumb, motion the signal, "up yours"
by gunslingergirlvy_c_e August 22, 2005
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