When you get free sex, because of or indirectly corolated to the fact that you have the freshest fuckin hat in the room
"Jordans hat was so fly, all them bitches be gawkin"

"I'm sure he get mad brim trim from that Ballin ass hat"
by the real D! Ya dig?!? October 14, 2016
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To square up or fight.

Ex: ayo brim up brah!!
Ayo brim up brah!!
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When you sit on someones face so they can lick your ass, your sweaty balls lay on their forehead, creating a "sweaty brim"
Last night was so hot, look at this sweaty brim... no smell it!
by JakeYourBooty October 7, 2007
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The act of being high, drunk, or COMPLETELY PRINTED OFF YOUR PLATE
JENNY: Yo dude that homeless man looks brimmed
Kaolin: ha ha lets give his some quick dimes
by Lilhiccups March 13, 2021
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A name that enrages white people trying to seem coolby using accents and overall dumbness, that really aren't. It is best used in a greeting as in example 1.
1) Jake: Whats up brim dizzer?
Jordan: I told you its dizzle, DIZZLE.
Jake: Ok there dizzer, get back on your riddalin.
by Spyder March 12, 2005
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The act of two people touching their hat brims together in affection.
I so wish I was brimming with Brad right now.
by Brttny Frrr June 11, 2023
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Brimming . To seduce the female figure . Out trying to get a girl
by Rocky RRVG July 6, 2018
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