a band which used to be my utmost favorite and who i have fond memories rocking out to when i was young. i used to be all into their new stuff (enema, toypaj) until i bought the old stuff which i personally believe is better. it's not fair to say 'they suck now' with the new 'blink-182' album, cause i mean you just can't really say that about a band because it's only your opinion, which doesn't matter to anyone, but if you care, i think that they were better when they were more punk, before 'enema of the state'. any interested newer fans should maybe give 'buddha' a go..
blink-182 give me fond memories, but i think my music taste has just moved on.
by Tom Reeves March 30, 2005
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BEST ROCK BAND EEEEVVVVEEEERRRRR! Anyone who don't like it... fuck off!!! =)
btw, even tho' they arent punk, they still

by Charis May 15, 2004
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Whiny teenage bullshit that most older millenials still listen to because they just want to be little kids in the 90s again.
Life didn't go my way so I listen to blink 182
by dietyoftruth September 28, 2017
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tom+mark+travis= best fucking band ever
did you listen to the best fucking band ever?

ohh you mean blink 182, why yes i did
by sleas January 3, 2009
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blink 182 is the greatest band in the world. Tom delong is now in angels and air waves and mark hoppus and travis barker are in plus 44. i personally like +44 more but nothing compares to blink.
"blink 182 is off the chart!"
"yeah they are!"
by ifjghsijlfghskdlhskdlhn January 4, 2008
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A very misunderstood band. Most punks refer to them as "too poppy" or "g@y @$$ sh!T sellouts". While in reality, Blink 182 started out as a very punk band. They were inspired by bands such as NOFX the Descendents, The Vandals, and Bad Religion, covering a NOFX song in their very first EP (flyswatter), and even inviting Bad Religion to open for them, which Bad Religion accepted. The vandals also produced Blink 182's first full length album, Buddha. Blink 182 separates itself from other punk pop bands, and has true respect for their punk roots. (Singer Tom Delonge collaborated with Rancid's Tim Armstrong in a side project). While Blink's music may be more popular or poppy than other punk bands, they still have the spirit and punk background that lets us label them as PUNK-Pop. A little too poppy to be called punk, but a type of punk nonetheless. A band that has played with Bad Religion, covered NOFX, collaborated with Rancid, and worked with the vandals can't be too far from punk now, can it?
Blink 182 are more punk than you think.
by NOReelBadRancidFishFX182 July 2, 2007
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Band that started out with good musical intentions and potty mouth jokes. Went over well with suburban pre-teens. Some songs have depth while others lack it. They are a band that has been labeled by people who dislike their music as punk-rock wannabes and their fans call them whatever they want to. Whether you hate them or you like them, you can't change the fact that they put out albums and people bought them. I personally don't find them to be punk-rock and think they are more alternative. They are not the greatest musicians(except for Travis Barker the drummer) or the best lyricists. Their "indefinite hiatus" is acceptable since they have matured and gave their music a good run.
blink-182 tried hard to pull off a punk-rock act, but grew up and stopped caring how people perceived them..
by letmeknow August 7, 2006
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