Likes to be fucked on the street and or sidewalk

Is fat
Can be really nice and is not known as a smart girl
But is passionate about boys but they do not like her
“Oh when I first layed eyes on Alison I knew right away that she was the ugliest person I will ever meet in a lifetime! :)
by Hating on Alison August 10, 2019
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Shes kool, but she won't come to my freshman orientation and be my mentor. Suck a peen Alison Alderman. Jk you're pretty cute.
MY FREEEEEEEND is so annoying, she must be an Alison Alderman
by jojothekoolkat June 2, 2020
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Alison Queenie is a Internet Celebrity. She is a Model,Actress and Youtuber.
Alison Queenie has been featured in commercials, online magazines and web series.
She also refers herself as Perfection Queenie or Alison Sutter.
Alison Queenie's portfolio can be found at or you can follow or subscribe to her youtube channel.
" I unsubscribed from Alison Queenie from day one"

" Perfection Queenie think's she is so perfect."
" Did you see Alison Queenie's new editorial?"
by BadBitchVeronica September 15, 2016
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Monique is a traditional name for a very beautiful young lady. She has the most amazing personality, so funny but out there at times. She can turn you from the worst of moods to being happy once again. Monique has the perfect body, so smooth and moth watering and the cutest smile and laugh you could come across. She is so easy to get along with and is loved by many. Any guy lucky enough to be with her needs to treat her right because she is a one of a kind, the most beautiful of all girls you will ever come across. The guy she is with at the moment is the luckiest guy in the world and will never leave her because she is the most important thing in his life and she makes him happier than he has ever been before and when he is with Monique he cant help but smile and stare at her beauty.

<3 <3 <3 Monique Alison Baker <3 <3 <3
beautiful perfect cutest Monique Alison Baker
by T.J.M January 10, 2012
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She is a nice blonde-brunette girl who is pretty awesome. She doesn't watch anime, but that can't count against her amazingness.
Person 1: "Have you seen Alison Marie Egger?"
Person 2: "Yeah."
by AirlineFood November 27, 2020
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