the prettiest girl to ever lay eyes on. the one you want to love till the day you can’t speak words. you’d change yourself for her in a heartbeat. she is someone special.
by mynameismads:) November 25, 2021
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It is the specific dingle berry that is purple. Also an insult to any friend if you want to confuse them.
"Your friend is a dingle purple berry!"
by GiovanniNox February 10, 2016
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Asking for a womans hand in marriage, breaking up, and doing it a few more times.
Jamie was so happy when she got engaged to Joe, but then he Tee Berried her and took the ring back.
by anonymous12010 October 4, 2010
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Jacob: "Who tf left Dinkle-berry's in the toilet
Xiomara: "It was Daniel"
by fartface2000 March 30, 2021
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john: bro is that your dinkle berry
steven: yeah its where pee is stored
john: bro can I touch em
steven: sure
by cashsfilms June 18, 2022
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A thong berry is what happens when you think you're done with your period, so you put on a thong, but you end up with a congealed blob of gooey uterine blood stuck on your skank floss.
I thought I was done leaking uterus jelly, so I wore and thong that day and ended up with a stank thong berry.

I like CapnCrunch with thong berries
by 2LBSofTOE March 4, 2014
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