When someone perceives all actions of another race as bad and/or evil regardless of reality. This could also be considered violently racist. People who are blindly racist are unable to find fault in their own actions towards others of a different race.
Through Blind Racism, the man saw no fault in his own actions as he executed an innocent man of a different race.
by Lucifina Nightinger February 9, 2023
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when you read/ see something that is so bad you can feel cancer forming so you need to make sure your not blind in which case yes. yes you are
man 1: lets have gay sex no homo tho
man 2: oh full homo
you: its time to stop (running away when there nude)
you: double check ok google am i blind
phone: blind is when you are unable to unsee the seen
you: reads this... so i am blind good to know
by the blind master September 26, 2018
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High quality crystal meth. Named for the user's high level of paranoia, leading to him/her peeking out of the curtains in fear of police, his/her family, imaginary friends/foes or the Illuminati coming to get them and haul them off to jail, rehab, hell, Guantanamo bay, or evict them from where they are squatting. See also: Meth Crystal meth Tina PNP Tweaker People of Wal-mart
Tweaker #1 "Man, I am so fuckin' HIGH, Bro. I can't stop sweating. I'm gonna take apart these two perfectly good toasters, and make one shitty toaster that hardly works."

Tweaker #3 "Ohhhhh kayyyy... Sounds like fun. Hey, where's tweaker #2? Is he scoping for the cops with his night vision goggles and police scanner again? He needs to lay off that Venetian Blind Bender..."
by PhillipHarass January 3, 2018
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spraying your windshield into direct sunlight while driving. You say you won't do it again, but you do - like brain freeze.

You typically only notice that your windshield is dirty when you face direct sunlight. But facing direct sunlight is the worst time to clean it because the water explodes into a jillion shards of light.
blind freeze
won't do it again
did it again
by Ae5Ea8 October 3, 2016
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When one shaves down below but ends up leaving many patches of hair, one has to wonder if it was shaved by a blind man.
Yo, you missed so many spots, it looks like a Blind Man's Shave"
by Mexican Handshake July 28, 2010
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When someone makes bad decisions based the level of friendship with another dude.
Dude, he's barely making it himself but he's footing the bill for that freeloader's ICP ticket, even letting him crash on the couch without throwing in. He's blinded by the bro, and it's going to end up costing him.
by ThreadMaestro May 30, 2019
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Pornographic films of any genre.
Q: So what kind of work are you in?

A: I make movies for the blind.
Q: Oohh! And how is that going?

A: It's awesome! I really love my co-workers!
by Amish Bastard December 9, 2022
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