When you get fucked by a fat man and he makes a creamy beared for you
God i wish he could be my creamy santa
by Creamy santa January 21, 2017
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Sex position where both people are upside down in a confined space (like a chimney) with at least one person in a onesie of some kind
We were rudely interrupted from doing the Reverse Santa when Sarah opened the door.
by Chief Elf February 7, 2020
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When your Druncle sits on your lap. When he finally gets up, you’re going to have a warm and moist lap.
Went to family Christmas today and my Druncle gave me a Reverse Santa. Now I have to change my pants!
by Sweats11537 December 21, 2019
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When you dress up in a Santa costume and go balls deep in a girl
I gave my Ho! Ho! Ho! Santa's Sack last night
by Biggius Dickus January 20, 2020
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a fake piece of shit. who deserves to burn in hell. OH WAIT, HES FUCKING FAKE. just like my dad, because he left when i was 3.. santa clause id a fucking fake white ass nigger who should have never been invented. because sorry to break the news kids, but your parents buy your toys for you.
“look at that fake ass motherfucking picture of santa clause”
by ilovettippieredd March 16, 2020
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When you are so deep in her pussy for an extended period of time that her cum dries up creating a beard or win
Gino was so deep he be looking like Santa Clause
by Vaj Guru March 13, 2015
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some pervert who crawls down your chimney to give you dildos at night and coal if you're a whore
idk he is wierd i dont have a sentence about that pervert Santa clause
by some dude but its used December 3, 2018
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