Send a hitch to a school dude (I never talked to him) as a challenge and at the end of everything having to go through school and pretend that nothing happened
Girl: you want to go out with me (it's a challenge).

Boy: haha
Cringe level 100
by Améliazinhaaa May 9, 2021
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Jaro talking about kaizer cyrcle for 20 min instead of 5 min during business meeting
Jaro talking about kaizer cyrcle for 20 min instead of 5 min during business meeting - that's cringe on the highest level
by Warandjaja August 8, 2022
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When you see an event unfolding in front of you that is so cringy, you can help but be entertained by it.
"Did you watch that stupid "You laugh you lose" video challenge?”
" YES. OMG. it was so cringy I laughed at all of it. Pure Cringe-tertainment!"
by R.Itz July 11, 2022
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A person who overuses the word ‘cringe’ to the point where it’s cringeworthy in and of itself. The irony is that they give up so much of their own time to mock all who fit their meaning of ‘cringe’. A pun on ‘cringe comps’, which tend to be their sad excuses for YouTube videos.
He thinks he’s better than you just because you like ponies? What a cringe cop.
by PonyTrainBoi March 29, 2021
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Watching a show you used to really like, but now you're on the last few seasons that are so bad it's become a chore to watch them, so you watch them all in one day to get it over with.
Monty: There's only 6 more episodes of Dexter left. We could finish the show tomorrow night.
Waylon: But the show's gotten so bad. Can't we just stop watching. We could go out and have fun instead of Cringe Watching some show we're both over.
Monty: No......I want to know how it ends.
Waylon: <Sigh> OK, at least it'll be over with.
by !JayAm! July 25, 2020
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i hav frand name bagofleeches. they is cring. they called me hash brown :(
teacher: today we will be learning about cringe-ology. does anyone know anything about it?

student: OH ISNT THE REASON IT WAS CREATED BECAUSE OF *cringes* bag of leeches?

teacher: yes *cringes* correct!
by xpensive May 7, 2022
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