A steady stream of blood that pools in your anus until it eventually gets too large for your anal cavity to hold and it explodes causing the blood that was in your anus to go all over the place.
I lOvE tO dRiNk ThE bLoOd FrOm My AnUs BlEeD!
by TEES DADDY! January 5, 2018
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your anus burns so bad, it feels like it wants to sprout legs and walk away.
after eating that chili you'll get a walking anus.
by MangleBaDangle March 30, 2015
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An accurate description of Walmart's "spark" logo.
The Walmart spark logo totally looks like an 8-bit anus. Like, if they showed you Donkey Kong's asshole in 1982, that's totally what it would have looked like. Just try to unsee it.
by Air Base Hooker January 21, 2022
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chick who isgaudy and smarmy that also shows strong signs of hubris. when she is not even a nickle on a scale of 10 . can be used to describe either a male or a female typically females
Mary's over there looking at everybody down her nose like she's better than her when she's nothing but a heinous anus
by uncle Ruhbarb May 16, 2020
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When your breath smells so bad that it smells like you ate a dead dogs shit and the dead dog. They will eat your children at night and your dogs if you don't protect them. The only way you can defend yourself is with Colgate products. It's like a gremlin after midnight except every hour of the day .
yo that girl sitting next to me in American history is such an anus cracker, let's put some Colgate strips on her chair .
by Eatmydiction8==D December 7, 2015
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Anus Bleacher is someone whom is an asshole in the most stuck up manner possible. The type of guy to go out and fuck 69 year old women cause you know 69
Friend to other friend: dude ignore that guy he’s an anus bleacher
by Pppppachi October 14, 2017
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Anus Cake- when a man eats the anus of his girl on his birthday. Can use props such as candles and matches.
Man #1- did you have a good birthday.

man#2- it was incredible I had the best anus cake there ever was.
by Squishy anuscake December 30, 2016
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