When you travel so much for work, you have to cram a month's worth of gossip, drinking, grooming, and shopping in 12 hours.
I wad binge friending Randi because I've been on back to back to back trips for the last 3 weeks.
by Billmesj March 4, 2018
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Person 1: Do you know about the tragedy of Bing/?
Person 2: h
by yeetusdatfetus January 4, 2023
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a word refering to whatever someone thinks its refering to
an onomatopiea that sounds like a really weird bell
guy 1: do you like ring bing dingaling
guy 2: yes

guy 3: ring bing dingaling you got the answer correct guy 4
guy 4: the fuck is that even supposed to sound like
by epic cool dude March 18, 2023
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When you don't wanna say gangbang out loud.
I've done some dude bingeing lately, it's so good.
by arhanka August 1, 2020
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it is when asians drop pots and pans down something and make a name out of it.

Blong ding is your name now my child we used the bing bong name plan
by Jojo Refrence October 1, 2019
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When you accidentally say something racist to a Chinese person.
Jamal II: Hey Bao Xio Lang, can you drive me to the store?
Bao Xio Lang: Washilo bow wha Ching la woh cami to
Jamal II: Dude, I don’t speak Ching Chong.
Jamal II: Oh, damn! I did a bing that chilling!
Bao Xio Lang: Chee Wong loa shi shon washi
Jamal II: I just said I don’t speak Ching Chong!
Jamal II: I did it again! I can’t stop binging that chilling!
by SalamiBootySmacker3000 June 25, 2023
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