to further elaborate on the "porch monkey" phenomenon, a "stoop nigga" is someone who's broke ass can't stay at they mama's house no more, so mama kicks him out..he can't take nothing with him because he ain't got he go for a walk but realizes before too long he ain't got no where to go and no where to stay and no car/bicycle/roller skates, etc, to get him there, so he go back to mama's house..but since he got "pride" (or something) he don't go back inside since he been kicked he just sits on the stoop, hoping someone will let him back in.
"that nigga low. he a stoop nigga."

"goddamn that nigga 25 years old and he still sleepin all day at mama's house, eatin' reese's puffs cereal at 4pm when he wake up, stay up all night playin video games and shit. his mama need to throw him out, make that nigga a stoop nigga."
by brunettebaby218 April 15, 2010
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Best coach in college football. End of conversation.
Bob Stoops lead the Sooners to victory.....again
by boomer sooner June 17, 2006
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An item that a female subject would place in on ones vulva that directs the male subjects penis to to door of hidden secrects. You may ask why a stoop, well its becuase the penis ( with a mind of its own of course ) is only familiar with the so called stoop.
Please come in wipe your penis on the Vaginal Stoop first.
by The Dope Ryme Dealer January 16, 2011
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Girls at Virginia Military Institute, known for their immense amounts of flirting who get around the barracks. There's always one in every class, usually emerges quickly; either before Hell Week starts to 2 weeks into the Rat Line.

These females are looked down upon because of their endless flirting tactics that distract the rest of the class/rat mass into getting some. VMI is to get away from women like them.

Most definatly have some type of disease.
Cadet 1: Hey did you see me hittin' it off with that one girl?
Cadet 2: Dude, that stoop whore was just tryin' to get with me yesturday. Guys like you piss me off.
by DJ Mohammad Rockefeller July 22, 2009
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alternative way of saying "stupid"
comes from the first sylable "stup-"
"2 plus 2 isn't 6, stoops!"

"Pick up my pen ya stoop!"
by darrenzo February 15, 2003
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Pertaining to a theoretically mentally disabled girl, who is not actually diagnosed with a mental disorder, but acts like it, whom cannot for whatever reason obtain a license, and who might run into something oblivious while driving without a license. i.e. a garage.
That girl is such a stoop-muffin, I wonder what happened to her.

ME: Wow, did you see that car crash?
Person: No??
ME: Thats because she crashed into a garage... what a stoop-muffin..
by BaaaxerLips101 April 21, 2009
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After teenage kids have unprotected sex on your stoop, you are the father - by law.
After the carnival Maya become the proud stoop daddy of over 14 hundred children.
by ToblyMcSmith July 7, 2011
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