A rare meaning, but it can also mean "My Nipple," rather than "My Nigger"
"Fo' shizzle, my nizzle" - For Sure, My Nipple"
by sweaterdouche February 9, 2007
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To hate or put down an african american citizen by using the phrase yo mama.
Curtis: " Yo Mama's so fat she got baptized at Sea World"
Devontae: " Don't be nizzle dissin' !"
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A boy band with one of them being a full on petrol head and the other being a ginger rounders player who cannot count unless he has full use of his fingers and toes.
Does anyone know the boy band Rizzle and Nizzle
by CGtts December 21, 2018
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Fo' shizzle ma' nizzle" is a bastardization of "fo' sheezy mah neezy" which is a bastardization of "for sure mah nigga" which is a bastardization of "I concur with you whole-heartedly my African American brother"
yo want to get high?

for shizzle my nizzle?
by niggawhat120 January 22, 2005
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1. An african-american who was previously convicted and is therefore not considered 'clean' anymore.
2. A state when there are feces on an african-american.
1. Yo, my man, Orville is one real bad ass motherfuckin' OG, motherfucker. Dere's some serious shizzle on da nizzle, homie.
2. I crapped dem negro on da head, dere some shizzle on da nizzle.
by bumarse November 7, 2009
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