A published notice of a death, sometimes with a brief biography of the deceased.
Did you see that Chas Menges in the paper today? So sad =
by bananaramma2012 April 9, 2012
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slut, very mean filled with pimples dumb and just over all ugly had eyes that look like crabs
Meng Chen you are so fake we all hate you
by Tiffany sammy li November 22, 2021
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When software support can fix a customers seemingly enormous problem with only a few lines of code- while the customer is on the phone-there by saving the customer a significant amount of time.
I thought it would take forever to fix my data base error, but support pulled a Menges Flex and I got on with my day!
by Bill C Lecter September 6, 2022
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puhlD-uh-meh-ng :
To subconsciously believe the subject of every conversation is penis.

"Let's go get a hot-dog," said John.
"I'm not in the mood for sex," said Anne.
"Ooh, you just pulled a meng," John laughed.

"Guess what I got you for your birthday?!" John exclaimed.
"PENIS!?" Anne blurted out.
"What...? I just met you last week..." John murmured.
"Sorry I just pulled a meng.." Anne walked away frustrated.
by 22eatlovepray September 26, 2010
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