Terror, sweat, trauma, pain, blood, tears. This is a catholic all-girls school in Satan's new and improved version of hell called Nigeria. This hell chamber was made to torture innocent, growing girls and it has done exactly that.
Girl 1: Did you graduate from The Lagoon School last year?
Girl 2: Yes o!
Girl 1: No wonder you had such a glow-up. That school is terrible!
Girl 2: Yes o my sister.
by Angrylagoonalumni March 20, 2023
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A wet soggy anus, typically after having major swamp ass or diarrhea.
my ass is so wet, its like a poop lagoon down there!
by Cumcrusher March 18, 2021
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To sweat excessively in your nether region. Swamp Ass for female lady parts. (Male version: Niagara Balls)
Ryan: I am sweating my balls off.
Elyse: Yea I am really dealing with a poon lagoon.
by PJ Cooler March 9, 2022
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A man who speaks from his dick instead of his brain, most likely a crazy jojo fan who thinks every living thing is a reference including himself. Probably hasn't touched grass in 8 years and has been living in his parents basement playing video games all his life and lawn mows for free. Please help him.
damn i really need a lagoon to mow my lawn
by hellodorks123 November 2, 2021
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Maths geek who is complete weird and doesn't know how to talk. Lagoons have no sense of love for human race and all the want is massive hatred.
Oh look at logoon, she is pregnant!?
Baby lagoon coming out ha.
by Master Wolfie November 24, 2021
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lagoon is the sweetest girl you will ever meet. if you have a Logan by your side grab on tight and never let go. Logan’s are beautiful, funny, and witty girls who can be sassy at times. if you are lucky enough to have ever met a Logan, just know that person improved ur life!!!
lagoon is ok
by ratmanspussy March 1, 2022
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When a player blames lag for him dying
Lagoon"I was clear of that aoe, stupid lag!"
by G3netix March 15, 2018
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