Being completely sarcastic at someone, trying to turn something down not harshly and failing at it. If you are being asked out on a date by a hitchhiker hobo man with hello kitty bandaids in his beard, run away. If you are being asked out by a hipster who works at the local Chicken Biddy, say "hehe NO" and run away. see example below.
Jake (chicken biddy guy): Hey girl wanna go to the arcade sometime and play mario
You: hehe N0.
by HEYIT'SATURTLE November 20, 2014
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by HuaChengsNO1husband August 28, 2023
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1. Micheal Jacskon reference

2. Another crappy neon pronounce
Person 1*

Person 2*

Haha funny Micheal Jackson reference
Example 2:
I am he/he call me wrong pronounce you go to jail
by Micheal derere February 27, 2022
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hehe is hehe and haha is different idk how it just is
by weeriick mnnora November 16, 2022
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